Little Blessings (0-2 year olds) will be cared for and checked in at Maple Grove School. If you have older children you can check your littles in at the main building with the rest of your children and then bring them to the school with you for class.
3 year olds all the way up to 6th grade will stay in their normal classes in the COTR building and be checked in like usual. All kids going to class must be checked in.
After checking your kids in at COTR (3 years-6th grade), you can go ahead and walk over to Maple Grove School for service. Be sure to bring your tag back for pick up!
For safety reasons, kids under 16 that are not checked in to a class need to stay with their parents in service at Maple Grove. They cannot be at the church building. As usual, we will have a snack, crayons, and color sheets at check in for any youngsters who want them.
A couple other things to remember:
No one under 13 years old can pick up a child from Kids Church even if they have the pick up tag. Lastly, please check your phone intermittently and keep an eye on the main screen in service for your tag number in case your child needs you for any reason - that’s how we’ll get ahold of you!
We are so excited to worship Jesus with you this Sunday!