Imagine a debt free church body!
...a people that are equipped to make a difference.
What could we do?! The message of Financial Peace is a tried and true way to get out of debt, to live generously AND shares the gospel all in the same nine weeks.

of Americans are living
paycheck to paycheck
- CareerBuilder, 2017
On Average, Christians give
of their income to churches
- during the Great
Depression they gave 3.3%
- Nonprofit Source, 2018
Since 2017, 91 households have participated in
FPU at Church on the Rock and have paid off
just during the nine week classes?!
And that is just 131 households!

Imagine 760+ people living free in their finances!
Help others be a part
of this journey!
Have you ever wondered whether it's possible to get away from living paycheck to paycheck? Do you want to impact the world with the Gospel but often feel like you have no time or energy because it's all going to pay the bills? Do you see others around you struggling and feel like you don't have the tools to help them better navigate a life of financial freedom? Come join us for Financial Peace University this fall and discover how you can gain financial stability, free up finances for giving and help others in the process!
Let’s learn together to
not be ashamed of our financial situations,
and to not be slaves to lenders
so that when a need comes up we are able to

Who is invited?
Families, Singles, Teens, All ages and stages of life. We offer classes for adults, but ALSO we will have tailored material for kiddos and teens.
Is there childcare?
There is childcare and Financial Peace JR available on Monday, Wednesday and Sunday
Is there a cost?
As a participant with COTR’s FPU we are able to give you a discounted rate of $89 which includes a one year membership to Ramsey Plus (5 digital classes-including FPU), a year membership to Everydollar Plus the budgeting app, and all of the financial tracking tools!
Are refreshments provided?
Coffee and light snacks will be provided.
Who do I contact if I have questions?
Call Carmen: 360-682-3850 or email: Carmenm@rockwa.com
Can I invite someone else to take the class?
Absolutely! Help a friend sign up today and take the journey to financial freedom TOGETHER!
What if I have already taken FPU?
FPU Alumni can attend for no cost. However, to reactivate your online access you can simply register for the year subscription with the sign up link to get it at our church rate, or you can let us know you have an activate subscription via the same link! If you have questions related to your FPU membership please contact help@financialpeace.com.
Are there scholarships?
YES! We have 100 scholarships available. Don’t let finances be the thing that holds you back from becoming financially free!