September 25th | 8:30am-2pm
This national conference is designed to help married couples deepen their faith and devotion to each other. COTR will be streaming the in-person event (Happening in Texas) to our church community. It will be an opportunity for marriages in all seasons of life to be refreshed, renewed, and strengthened. For some, it may be a turning point of healing for a dying marriage.
The cost is $40 per couple and there will be an amazing breakfast served, 3 sessions of teaching from nationally renowned speakers, and time to get to know some pretty cool people. We are all in this together!

Great marriages don't happen by chance. They take intentional and sacrificial love that goes beyond just getting our needs met. It is only in the love that Jesus Christ expressed to the world that married couples can have a thriving marriage. Jesus came to show us a new way to live, and the parallels between His relationship with the Body of Christ and the relationship between spouses is astounding! There is so much for us to learn from it. Come strengthen your marriage in this one-day event!