"But as for me and my family,
we will serve the LORD."
- Joshua 24:15
1. We Value Honor
To honor God and to honor one another.
2. We Value the Word of God
The Bible is the key to knowing and doing God’s will.
3. We Value Prayer
As a friend of God nothing should be done without prayer.
4. We Value Worship
Worship is the adoration of God and can be expressed in contemporary music and song.
5. We Value Relationships
We will positively change our world as we invite people into our lives, our church and our walk with God.
6. We Value Families
Life giving families are essential for a community.
7. We Value Unity
Every believer must be in a local church to experience a fruitful, fulfilling and successful life.
8. We Value Discipleship
A disciple is one who has received salvation, water baptism, membership into a local church and surrenders to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
9. We Value Missions
We are committed to being a "Great Commission" church that blesses the nations and manifests kingdom culture.
10. We Value Excellence
Spiritual freedom in the heart and personal growth is the secret of a quality filled Christian life.
11. We Value Creativity and Inovation
Effectiveness is more important than tradition; therefore we readily embrace change.
12. We Value Giving
Giving includes our time, energy, talents, resources and finances.