The following is an email that we received from Elizabeth Sorenson about the Satanic Temple of Washington State performing an "Infernal Ritual" on the steps of our Capital in Olympia on March 6th. Please pray and consider fasting with us on Friday!
"Greetings to The Body of Christ in the State of Washington,
I am issuing a "Call to Action" to the Body of Christ across the State of Washington. I invite you to come to the Capitol in Olympia to join many who have been standing and fighting on the front lines for our State. This includes Churches, Pastors, Ministries, Legislators who have been laboring and contending for a return to righteousness in our State. The battle in Olympia is constant and the prayers and work of many have been faithful and stalwart. I am now calling on the Body of Christ to come and stand with us in Olympia on Friday March 6th from the Hour of 12:00 Noon to 1 pm for a Prayer, Praise and Worship vigil. The special call to action this day is in response to an event that I recently was informed about that will be taking place on the North Steps of the Capitol building.
I have been informed that on March 6th from Noon to 1pm, the Satanic Temple of Washington State has been granted a permit and permission to hold what they call an "Infernal Ritual" on the steps of OUR Capitol Building, in accordance with their satanic bible. All of our ministries and Christians in Olympia have decided that we cannot stand idly by and allow this demonic ritual to take place and wicked spiritual roots be established without action and response from the Body of Believers across our State. Several of our Legislators are also quite concerned that this group will be performing it's ritual on our State's Capitol Steps while the Church stands idly by and allows it. There is much demonic and occult practices that take place on our Capitol grounds and in our State Capitol, it is time for the Body of Christ to show up and disallow what the enemy is trying to do. Several long time Legislators have noted that in all their years of service in the Capitol, never has an outright satanic or occultic group shown up and been granted a permit to perform pagan rituals on the Capitol Campus. We, together in agreement with these Legislators are drawing a line in the sand, to say, No more to the enemy and no further. The link below is the link to the satanic temple website, it has the press release and article that went public with their statement about what they are planning to do on the Steps of our Capitol on March 6th. Please look at it and be informed of what is being allowed to take place that day.
In response to this, I am inviting the Body of Christ to join us in prayer and intercession on the grounds of the Capitol that day. We will NOT be confronting this group. Rather, we will stand our ground in the heavenlies with prayer and worship during the Noon hour. This is not a confrontational gathering, so if you plan on attending please do so with the humble yet strong and unwavering Love of Christ. I will outline below the plans and directions for the gathering on this day.
There will be four teams of people stationed around the Capitol campus to which the Body of Christ can choose where they would most like to be and participate according to the call God places on your heart. After the instructions I have added a link to the State Visitors Website so that you can get parking information and download a map of the buildings on campus.
TEAM 1 will be the Worshippers, they will be stationed at Daniel's House of Prayer with a worship team who will lead them in worship for the Noon hour. If you would like to participate with Team 1. The address of Daniels House of Prayer is:
1603 Water Street
Olympia, Wa. 98501
Please Arrive at the Prayer House 15 minutes prior to the beginning of Worship at Noon.
TEAM 2 will be the Intercessors.This group will meet in the Legislative Building (The main Capitol Building) in room 130. It is located on the first floor in the West Corridor. Please arrive at 11:45 am.
TEAM 3 will be The Judicial Watch Team. You will be joining the Judicial Prayer League on the front steps of the Temple of Justice, which is located right across from the main north steps of the Capitol Building. Please arrive at 11:45.
TEAM 4 will be a gathering for prayer for anyone who does not feel called to the first 3 teams and would just like to come to the campus and pray. This prayer meeting will be held in the Cherberg Building, Conference Room ABC. Please arrive at 11:45.
Once you arrive to your chosen destination, there will be a team leader present to lead each gathering. A word about protocol and behavior while on the Capitol Campus, I would like to remind everyone who would come and join us at the Capitol that day, that we are the Body of Christ, where we go we represent Him, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, we are his Ambassadors. Please be sure that all of your actions and speaking in accordance with that and would be pleasing to our Lord. While this will be a come as you are event, please respect the protocol and rules of our State Government. We do not want to act or speak in anyway that would bring negative attention to ourselves or the prayer that we are gathering for on that day. Come with respect for our elected leaders and the Government Institution that governs our State.
For those of you who are not able to come to the Capitol Campus to join us, please engage your prayer groups and churches to pray for us that day. Please pray for:
1. The protection in the natural and the spiritual of every believer who would show up that day.
2. For the salvation of those who are lost and gathering to perform this pagan ritual on our Capitol Steps.
3. For the front line team who will be evangelizing to these lost souls.
4. The protection of our Legislators and prayer leaders.
Please see the link below for parking information and a map of the Capitol Campus buildings. Parking near the Capitol Building is usually pretty scarce. I would highly suggest to you to park at the North end of Capitol Way, at the Farmers market area and take the Dash bus up to the Capitol. The Dash bus is free, it runs about every 10 minutes, it will drop you off right at the Capitol Building.
Please share this email far and wide with your Pastors, Church, Prayer groups and the Body of Christ. Feel free to email or call me with any questions. I will see you on the 6th!
In our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who died even for these very lost ones,
Elizabeth Sorensen
State Director
Washington Prayer Caucus Network
(253) 732-8165